French Language Certification KPg C1-C2 - Modules 1, 2, 3, 4* - Edition 2023


   LEVEL C - Integrated          (Approved by the Ministry of Education)


   ISBN: 978-960-8268-16-6


   Diplomas (KŠć) are recognized by the supreme council for civil personnel selection (ASEP) and they are valid

  without limitation of duration - Certification organized by the MINEDU*


  Price: 40€* Book KPg C1-C2 (vocabulary+documents audio)* - ISBN: 978-960-8268-16-6



   more 1000 oral & written exercises

   all competences of Level KPg C1-C2

   ▪ Key of oral & written exercises

   ▪ Vocabulary of oral & written exercises


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   électronique le livre KPg C1-C2 (vocabulary+documents audio: download*). Dossiers 10   Prix: 30€

  * + shipping 12.00€ for EU countries - registered


  * Ministry of Education Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs